Tuesday, February 19, 2008

psych 2-4 class notes

Lecture Outline: 2/4/08

Psycho pharm is really important for the boards

Know neurotrasmitters how they work so you can know how the drugs intereact with them

Know the limbic system, the components of it, and what moderates it

The sameness of mental and physical health:

Limbic system: effects hypothalamus which releases NT’s, they come down and do effect the immune system. The pituitary gland effects the adrenals which effect the immune system.

Where does the mental stop and the physical start? The brain allows us to perceive the physical world.

Several genes are involved in a disease. MI’s are categories of symptoms, therefore there are many genes producing symptoms. The genes can be effected by the environment of the cell. Nature/nurture are therefore very close, since genes can be effected by chemical environment, which are changed in response to stimuli.

Population genetics.


Nature and Nurture interactions in MI

The brain

What it does

Filter, choose reactions, receive and transmit info

Involvement with MI

Sensory distrubances: hallucinations can come in along all 5 senses.

Circadian rhythm disturbances-- SAD: seasonal affective disorder


How they work?

Had meds since '55. We don't really know quite how they work. It is complex b/c NT's are tricky: there are several types of serotonin, of dopamine, etc.

Psychopharm: sub specialty. These meds do not cure, they only control symptoms. Psychotropics effect cognition, emotion, behavior. They cause side effects b/c they are not target specific to certain synapses.

Psychopharmacology is:

Primary psychotropic neurotransmitters

Primary NT's:






These work either by agonizing or antagonizing--enhance or block.

Therapeutic Index

Therapeutic index: the lowest dose at which drug is effective to the highest dose, at which point the drug becomes toxic. Important for psych meds b/c of the suicide/overdose risk of taking the whole bottle.

Assessing effectiveness of psychotropic: what makes this difficult?

  • No specific tests to see how much less crazy pt is
  • polypharmacy
  • multiple sources of an illness
  • different sources of a behavior


We don't like this word. We need to have compassion for the reason why people don't take their meds. Complex w/ psychotropic drugs why:

  • side effects are awful
  • stigma/shame--denial of the disease
  • feel better and stop taking meds
  • noncompliance is part of disease symptoms
  • confusion
  • homelessness/money/insurance
  • can’t combine w/ alcohol or recreational drugs, so you have to involve cutting out a person’s habits.

Question: we give freedom but we also take it away—the freedom of authentic expression is taken but the freedom of functioning is given.


Conventional typicals: have more side effects:

Haldol, thorazine [thorazine shuffle-- first psych med we had], prolixin, stelazine, navane. We will still see haldol and prolixin.

Atypicals: We will see more of these: abilify, zyprexa


Classifications: psychotherapeutic; antipsychotic, atypical; dopamine system stabilizer; Therapeutic: atypical antipsychotic
Prototype: Clozapine

Long term injections: see these in ACT program. They have shot clinics. Can cut down on the compliance risks. 3 long acting injections:

  • decanoate [prolixin/fluphenazine or haldol]
  • Risperdol

Clozeril: first great anti psychotic drug we got to handle schizophrenia. However, it is dangerous and causes horrible blood dyscrasias, and pts have to get blood testing frequently.

Lots of SE’s (side effects)

  • Dry mouth
  • Weight gain
  • Breast enlargement in men/women, can cause lactation in women
  • Photosensitivity
  • Water intoxication [r/t drymouth]
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • DM is a risk factor with atypicals


· Oculogyric crisis

· Torticollis

· Dystonia

· Psedo-parkinsonism: shuffling, tremors

· Apathesia [constant movement]

Tardive dyskinesia

Mood Stablizers






Alpha 2 Antagonists







January 31, 2008

Battle Concussions Tied to Stress Disorder


About one in six combat troops returning from Iraq have suffered at least one concussion in the war, injuries that, while temporary, could heighten their risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder, researchers are reporting.

The study, in The New England Journal of Medicine, is the military’s first large-scale effort to gauge the effect of mild head injuries — concussions, many of them from roadside blasts — that some experts worry may be causing a host of undiagnosed neurological deficiencies.

The new report found that soldiers who had concussions were more likely than those with other injuries to report a variety of physical and mental symptoms in their first months back home, including headaches, poor sleep and balance problems. But they were also at higher risk for the stress disorder, or PTSD, and that accounted for most of the difference in complaints, the researchers concluded. Symptoms of the disorder include irritability, sleep problems and flashbacks.

Experts cautioned that the study had not been designed to detect subtle changes in mental performance, like slips in concentration or short-term memory, that might have developed in the wake of a concussion and might be unrelated to stress reactions. Many returning veterans are still struggling with those problems, which can linger for months.

The findings are in line with previous research linking concussions to post-traumatic stress disorder that develops after frightening events outside a military context, like car accidents; concussions from athletic collisions rarely lead to the disorder.

“This study is a very good first step, and an important one, but like any first step it should lead us to ask further questions about these injuries,” said Brian Levine, a neuropsychologist at the Rotman Research Institute and the University of Toronto, who was not involved in the study.

Now that the prevalence of combat concussions is better known, Dr. Levine said, the next step should be to assess troops’ cognitive functioning early on and track it over time, before and after combat.

In the study, military psychiatrists had 2,525 soldiers from two Army infantry brigades fill out questionnaires asking about missed workdays and dozens of kinds of physical and emotional difficulties, including symptoms of PTSD. The soldiers had been back home from Iraq for three to four months.

The questionnaires also asked about concussions and their severity. A concussion is an injury from a blow or shock to the head that causes temporary confusion or loss of consciousness, without any visible brain damage. The investigators found that 384 of the soldiers, or 15 percent, reported at least one concussion. One-third of that 15 percent had blacked out when injured.

The severity of the concussion was related to the risk of developing the stress disorder, the survey showed. Nearly 44 percent of the soldiers who had blacked out qualified for the diagnosis, about three times the rate found in soldiers with other injuries. Among soldiers who did not black out, the rate of PTSD was 27 percent, significantly higher than the 16 percent rate among veterans with other kinds of injuries.

“There’s a lot we don’t know about these injuries, but we do know that context is important,” said the lead author, Dr. Charles W. Hoge, director of the division of psychiatry and neuroscience at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. “Being in combat, you’re going to be in a physiologically heightened state already. Now imagine a blast that knocks you unconscious — an extremely close call on your own life, and maybe your buddy went down. So you’ve got the trauma, and maybe the effect of the concussion is to make it worse.”

In an editorial that accompanied the study, Richard A. Bryant, a psychologist at the University of New South Wales in Australia, emphasized that concussed troops “should not be led to believe that they have a brain injury that will result in permanent damage.”

On the contrary, Dr. Bryant and other experts say, the link to post-traumatic stress suggests that mild brain injuries have a significant psychological component, which can improve with treatment.

Paul Rieckhoff, executive director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said the study, and the interest of doctors and military officials in brain trauma, were long overdue.

Autobiography in Five Chapters

1) I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk

I fall in. I am lost…I am hopeless It isn't my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.

2) I walk down the same street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again. I can't believe I'm in the same place. Bit it isn't my fault. I still takes a long time to get out.

3) I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk

I see it is there. I still fall…it's a habit My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately

4) I walk down the same street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.

5) I walk down another street.

Portia Nelson

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